People on Sunday

Audio-visual feast featuring Rachel Grimes for Cork & Dublin…
Matthew Nolan (formerly of 3epkano) and U.S. pianist Rachel Grimes collaborate with Dublin-based cellist Mary Barnecutt to present People on Sunday, a new, original live score to this cinematic paean to the last days of Weimar Germany. The film was an unassuming but groundbreaking response to the big-budget films being produced by UFA at the time, and boasted a crew of young German cineastes who would later become major filmmakers in Hollywood: Robert Siodmak, Edgar G. Ulmer, Fred Zinnemann, and Billy Wilder.
Two dates are confirmed beginning with the National Gallery in Dublin on the 26th September (tickets here) followed by an appearance at Triskel Christchurch in Cork on Saturday 28th September (tickets here).
For more on Rachel Grimes visit:
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