LatestThe G-Man Presents

The G-Man presents…Ger Wolfe

Special guest for This Is The Kit revealed…

Honoured does not do justice to how proud I am to announce that ‘The Lark of Mayfield’ himself will play a short set on Wednesday evening in Coughlan’s Live as part of the last The G-Man presents… session of 2014.

Rightfully acclaimed throughout the country as one of its finest songwriters, Ger Wolfe has a beautiful back-catalogue of records but Heaven Paints Her Holy Mantle Blue must surely be one of the greatest Irish albums ever conceived. To see him play is to disappear into a ball of sheer joy.

What others have said:

“Ger Wolfe’s songs always raise my spirits; his voice always, always brings me into the song.” Christy Moore

“ ‘The Curra Road’ is a classic of grace and simplicity and should become a folk standard”.
Alan Lewis -The Boston Globe

” Wolfe has an utterly original approach to his craft… pandering to neither fad nor fashion…a rare and unique creative talent…”
Paul Dromey – The Examiner

“..Sure-footed and astute though retaining a child-like simplicity-Ger Wolfe delivers his words with a spirit of celebration..”
John O’ Regan –  F’Roots

“The poetic soul of Ireland”
John Spillane

For more on Ger Wolfe visit:

– Ger Wolfe and This Is The Kit play Coughlan’s Live, Cork Wednesday 10th December 2014
– Tickets available online via or from Coughlan’s
– Official Facebook event

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