
FREE STUFF: David Byrne & St. Vincent

Byrne & St. Vincent get down to Brass Tactics…

The unlikely combination of Talking Heads‘ legendary frontman David Byrne and St. Vincent mastermind Annie Clark has turned out to have been a collaborative master-stroke with the talented twosome not only conceiving a great album in the horned shape of Love This Giant but also combining to take the record on the road to create a visually stunning live show that includes none other than eight choreographed brass players. The tour has been going so well that new songs have started to raise their sun-dabbed cheeks to the sky, some of which can be heard on a new FREE EP. Titled Brass Tactics, the free download features energised remixes of old and new tracks including a previously unreleased Love This Giant out-take. Download the EP in its entirety using the player below.

For more on David Byrne & St. Vincent visit:

– David Byrne and St. Vincent play Electric Picnic and other European dates later this Summer

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