EOTR12: The Friday Playlist

It’s that time of year again where I dust off the rucksack, get the online check-ins sorted and make my way across the water for the world’s best little festival bar none: End of the Road.
A fancy new photographic device, phone-charger and irreplaceable notebook may even allow the possibility of a proper end-to-end review this year. To get us all excited check out the below playlist for artists/bands taking to one of the four Larmer Tree Gardens stages on Friday evening. *
*Genuinely tried to pick a top 5 must-see list but that evolved quickly to a top 10. By the time it got to a TOP 20 list for a single festival day I said screw it. Like I said, world’s best little festival bar none
– End of the Road takes place in Larmer Tree Gardens, Dorset (U.K.) Aug 31st-Sep 2nd
– Visit www.endoftheroadfestival.com for ticket prices etc.